Art of Developing Humility and learning to Surrender

An integral part of any journey towards spiritual growth is developing the humility required to surrender. But how can we truly reach the state of not only embracing our own humility, but learning how and when to surrender to a higher power?


Understand you have a choice

Developing a sense of humility is a choice, derived from your own desire to improve your life and connection to the universe. Nobody can force it upon us, and pride is often considered a fundamental part of the human psyche – making humility an ongoing process rather than something which can be swiftly and definitively achieved. Contemplate your own humility and what it means to you – as well as why you consider it important to be humble.


Stop comparisons with others

One of the most damaging behaviours we can engage in as individuals is comparing ourselves to those we consider our betters, as well as those we consider to be inferior to us in some way. Neither of these activities or mindsets will lead to growth or humbleness, and they certainly do not take into consideration the surrender required to achieve a higher state of consciousness. Instead of comparing, be grateful for your own stage in personal growth – and wish those you meet well on their own path.


Cultivate gratitude

Linking strongly to stopping comparisons, gratitude is key to better understanding why it is important to be humble. Change plays a great part in all of our lives, and so we must count our blessings and be grateful for the wonderful things and relationships life has granted us so far, as well as hopeful for what is to come. Let go of your expectations and surrender to what has been, what is and what may yet be – understanding that all of these things can only partially be shaped by your own behaviours and actions.


Embrace your struggles

All of us falter on the path to achieving humility, and life is not always smooth sailing. Embrace the challenging aspects of your own life as a way to help develop resilience, which will ultimately lead to an awareness of humility and a surrender to a higher force or power which governs and influences all things. Weakness is not fun, but there is strength in true humility and surrender – so be sure to practice this in your own life and you will soon have developed a more humble outlook on the world.


– Sree Maa