Faculty Interview: Archita

In this series of video interviews, we Faculties will be heartfully sharing our journey since we first came to know about Kosmic Fusion and our experiences in the past few years with Sree Maa.

Archita was born in a Sikh family and experimented with number of healing modalities, Vipassana etc. As life has it’s own share of challenges, Archita heard about Sree Maa through a common friend while she was going through rough patch in personal relationships.

In this interview Archita shares about her journey at Kosmic Fusion and experiences in the past few years with Sree Maa. By the way, Archita has known Sree Maa for over 15 years so it’s worth watching this video.

Archita also shares about how she overcame the inner blocks, felt understood and at home by addressing shades of dark or shadow self.


Can you share how you met Sree Maa Shri Ji.

Archita: I was introduced to Sree Maa by a very dear friend, she noticed something different. I was not my usual self, I was very withdrawn and something was not right. I was really going through a rock bottom phase and I was very fortunate to meet Sree Maa during that time.


Can you share how Sree Maa Shri Ji helped you during that time?

Archita: Yes Ekta, I remember during that time I did not know anything much about Sanatan Dharma, I was just very lost and looking for things. It was very superficial.

After meeting Sree Maa I have realized there is so much depth Sree Maa has brought into my life and I just found out that instant peace. The moment I met Sree Maa, there was some bond and trust just came instantly, because the way Sree Maa shared the things were, Sree Maa had some kind of transparency, everything was just very transparent and openly shared with me.

I felt very comfortable and that’s how the bond was created of trust.


You have known Sree Maa for a very long time, so how long exactly?

Archita: I met Sree Maa in 2003, almost 19-20 years back. Since the time I have met Sree Maa, she hasn’t changed one bit. I just feel the same unconditional love, compassion that flows out of Sree Maa.

The beauty about the work is that, Sree Maa has the ability to tune into peoples’ Soul and that’s why I felt heard, I felt understood.

I really felt nurtured at that point. Sree Maa exactly gave me what I needed at that point in time.


How has Sree Maa brought difference in your life?

Archita: It’s very hard to answer this question because I have experienced shift in my life in different stages. At that point I felt a lot of energetic shifts within me. I could not sense much energy and I started to notice I could sense energy. My awareness levels became much more stronger.


There was some huge discord in some family members at some point in time, how did Sree Maa help you heal?

Archita: It was with my immediate family members, I had done a lot for them, there was no expectation from me but I just felt that at some point in time they back-stabbed me and that literally hurt a lot.

The moment Sree Maa came into my life, I felt like I just didn’t have any animosity towards them, I just could let it go so easily. It was a very huge thing, but I’m a very emotional person, but it was very easy for me to let it go and I felt “Wow!” this is such a huge shift. Now when I look back at that point, I felt I had no emotions (as I understood it).

Actually Sree Maa helped to heal, to get healed of that point without feeling any kind of bitterness or carry forward any hatred towards them. It just happened, automatically and effortlessly. 


You said, you like the frankness and the transparency of Sree Maa Shri ji’s teachings. Do you think there will be people who might have some resistance to such open and direct way of teaching?

Archita: Yes Ekta, I think so. Sree Maa has always maintained transparency like I said before. Has always been honest and has operated from highest most point of integrity and authenticity that I have witnessed. This has always been very consistent.

It really shows that Sree Maa is so serious and committed to what Sree Maa is sharing to the world, that Sree Maa has done her own “Jeev Anth Kriya”. I think lot of people, because they don’t have an understanding of what has been said and in what context, so they may be.

In the Facilitators in Training programme, I think the resistance was mainly because of my ego or somebody else ego coming up. You don’t want to look at those shades, that was my limited understanding.


How is your personal life or relationship where you relate to these words “Improved since meeting Sree Maa”

Archita: Tremendously! I used to be very superficial. I had the superiority complex about myself. I could be rude and arrogant sometimes. After meeting Sree Maa, the way Sree Maa was and how Sree Maa Shri Ji carried themselves with decorum.

Even after having so much of wisdom, the way Sree Maa conveyed so much of love & compassion. True humility is what I have learnt from Sree Maa.


Could you share more about your experience in Facilitator in Training (FiT) programme?

Archita: I recall when the FiT intake happened in 2013, I had a lot of conflicting thoughts. One part of me wanted to really go because this was my calling always and I didn’t want to miss out on Sree Maa Shri Ji’s discourses.

This large part of me felt like I was not ready for it. Although this workshop was graciously offered by Sree Maa Shri Ji completely free of cost to the Facilitators in Training. I just felt I was not ready, it was a huge responsibility. I just felt that I have not worked on my self enough, how can I just go out there and just start doing this work?

This is just about sharing “Quantum Vortex Scalar-Wave Photon Pulse”, it is such a philanthropic mission. I just felt I was somehow not ready to give me 100%, it will be really wrong of me and unethical.

We were already volunteering before the Facilitator in Training happened. As we got the chance to come for another retreat in 2015, I made up my mind by then that I missed out on the first retreat but Sree Maa Shri Ji were so gracious that they let me listen to the recording and go through the whole process.

Sree Maa Shri Ji always said, Energetically you were present even though you did not come for the workshop. This has always been my calling. I made up my mind with one point focus. Already we had understood non-doer to a large extent.

After that I learnt not only about myself but Sree Maa Shri Ji had shared so many beautiful teachings about Sanatan Dharma, Ananya Bhakti and that started to grow on me. I felt more comfortable in my skin, I knew this is how I will slowly developed into it.

I think that I was a little bit of hypocrite that I thought I could practice “Bhakti Bhaav” without even thinking about it …”Can I actually do that, when I’m not so focussed and barely tuning in for 11 minutes”?

The whole programme was going on beautifully until 2 narcissists hijacked it literally. I felt Sree Maa Shri Ji were literally being consumed because all Sree Maa Shri Ji gave was their time, energy and their effort to the FiT programme, they did their “Jeev Anth Kriya”, they were literally 100% committed to us.

So many of us we just did our “Karm Tyaag” without even thinking (understanding) about it…some of them. The ones who were really committed are still around to spread the mission of Kosmic Fusion.


How do you describe your relationship with Sree Maa, what does Sree Maa mean to you?

Archita: It’s hard to sum it up. Sree Maa has been a real…true friend to me. At that point, I really needed somebody and I literally cried my heart and Sree Maa Shri Ji gave their shoulder to cry and guided me. I asked so many questions, what, how of everything.

Sree Maa literally gave her own personal time and guided me out of the muck that I put myself into. I’m truly grateful that Sree Maa has taken me under her wings and I have found Sree Maa Shri Ji in this lifetime. I’m truly humbled and truly grateful.